The college is drafting a new Housing Ordinance for 2024. The Housing Ordinance contains the rules for distribution, use and modification of housing. It is reviewed every year. This year, too, the college is proposing changes. Anyone can respond to the proposals until July 16. Of course, the HNA will also take a close look at the Housing Ordinance and give a reaction. Of course you can think and discuss with us. In that case, sign up for our meeting.
In brief, the college proposes the following:
Fewer B&Bs in busy neighborhoods.
A maximum number of B&Bs is now set for each neighborhood. The college wants to lower that maximum by 30 percent.
Change priority regulation of rental housing
The college proposes that of all teachers, special education teachers should have priority. Another proposal is that not only working, but also police officers in training will be eligible.
More housing for young people who do not meet ‘bond requirement’
Young people up to and including 27 years of age will have priority on youth rental housing if they have lived in Amsterdam for at least 6 consecutive years in the past 10 years. We call this ‘the binding requirement’. In practice, some young people fall just outside the scheme. For example, because they have lived temporarily outside Amsterdam due to study. The college wants the youth priority to apply to half, instead of the entire housing supply for young people. In this way, a larger proportion of youth housing will also remain available for young people who do not (yet) meet the bond requirement.
Urgency for vulnerable economically homeless too
Economically homeless people are people who have become homeless because they have lost their jobs or divorced, for example. This group is added to the group of people who can be given priority entitlement to social housing.