Some 300 economically homeless people have been helped with temporary housing over the past two years. They have ended up in one of Amsterdam’s 150 housing associations. More than half then move on to other housing. Of these, 34% find permanent housing and 27% find temporary housing or rooms. The Temporary Under Shelter project has been extended. It has been agreed to help another 250 homeless people find housing by 2023.
Initiative of five Amsterdam housing corporations
Before housing corporations renovate or demolish houses, they rent these houses with a temporary contract to economically homeless people. They receive guidance from The Rainbow Group during the tenancy. This has resulted in 300 homeless people having short- or long-term housing. The project is an initiative of five Amsterdam housing corporations (de Alliantie, Lieven de Key, Rochdale, Stadgenoot, Ymere), De Regenboog Groep and the municipality of Amsterdam.
HNA wants an end to homelessness
The Huurders Netwerk Amsterdam identifies that there are many problems surrounding homelessness in Amsterdam. In our consultation table Housing Distribution we discuss this topic so that we can contribute to a solution. We are committed to ending homelessness in the city. We call on policy makers to invest in social housing and ensure a fair distribution of affordable housing. In a stable situation, it is easy to rebuild a stable housing situation on your own.