The cabinet is threatening to cut the rent allowance starting in 2025. The cut is needed to finance implementation costs of two new laws. One of those laws is the Affordable Rent Act. The Woonbond, the interest group for tenants, and the umbrella organization of housing associations Aedes are furious with the cabinet. The HNA also finds this very strange. It is precisely the intention that tenants with low incomes keep an affordable rent.
Increase in rent allowance may be reversed
According to the Woonbond it concerns a few euros to tens per month. Especially for this group of people, this is a lot of money. The austerity measure is in the Spring Memorandum and should take effect from 2025. Earlier this year, the cabinet increased the rent allowance, which they want to reverse in steps from 2025.
Intervention by Lower House still possible
Like Aedes and the Woonbond, the HNA believes that tenants should not have to pay for the implementation costs of laws that are made precisely for people with low incomes. The Lower House has yet to look at the plan contained in the Spring Memorandum. Perhaps the House of Representatives can still intervene.