On June 12, the association and foundation board of the HNA is organizing a Networking Meeting. Important theme of the meeting is about the Amsterdam Approach to Public Housing. The City of Amsterdam is expected to issue a Nota van Answer in June. In it the municipality describes what they will and will not do with the responses. Of course we are curious what the municipality of Amsterdam has done with our input. During the Network Meeting we want to go through the Nota van Answer and prepare a joint response with all the Consultation Tables and participants of the HNA Network.
HNA thinking along but critical of current proposal
Recently, the HNA has followed the Amsterdam Approach to Public Housing intensively. Where we could contribute ideas or make use of participation opportunities, we have done so. Huurders Netwerk Amsterdam (HNA) is critical of the proposed Amsterdam Approach to Public Housing (AAV) of the municipality of Amsterdam. According to the HNA, the plan offers little protection to tenants. While that is exactly what is badly needed. The HNA has therefore responded with a comprehensive response to this view. To turn the tide and create equal opportunities for house seekers, tenants and buyers, a radically different policy is needed.
Sign up for the Networking Meeting
As a participant or member of the HNA, you can attend the Networking Meeting. Gladly even! Join us in thinking about a good approach to Public Housing. You can register at info@hna.nl. After registering, we will send you the program and the anticipated Memorandum of Reply from the City Council on our views.
Location: House of Watt
(near Amsterdam Amstel Station) James Wattstraat 73 Amsterdam .
Start: 19.30
The meeting lasts until 21.30 after which there is opportunity to have a drink together.