Comment on Housing Ordinance answered by college

17 April 2023

Bill to extend rent protection The Housing Ordinance contains rules about all Amsterdam housing. This ordinance protects the housing stock and livability in Amsterdam’s neighborhoods. Every year there are major and minor changes to this Housing Ordinance. On July 30, 2022, the HNA sent a public comment. The college provided a note of response.

HNA comment

In its public comment, HNA addresses the changes to the social occupations priority regulation and the addition of a label for senior housing in the regulated mid-rise segment. In addition, HNA provided a comment on the use of use contracts in complexes where there is an approach according to the Amsterdam Framework Agreements. According to HNA, temporary tenants cause a lot of unrest and it undermines the position of permanent tenants vis-à-vis the corporation. Tenants with user contracts also have no rental rights. The HNA also drew attention in the input response to the performance agreements on the label for elderly housing in (social) housing. Good and clearly verifiable agreements must be made there. HNA as tenant representative would also like to be represented in the performance agreements and cooperation agreements of the municipality with the corporations.

Reaction municipality of Amsterdam

In this Memorandum of Reply, the college responds to the questions raised by the HNA and other parties. The HNA is satisfied with the extensive response of the college. Many of the issues raised by the HNA are also addressed in the Amsterdam Approach to Public Housing (AAV). Jan van den Berg, chairman of the Network Table on Housing Distribution, says with satisfaction, “Our input on the housing ordinance has been seen and comprehensively answered by the college.


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